Sunday, March 16, 2014

An atheist scientist against the death penalty. THIS was published

To the times picayune about capital punishment:

I agree with Nancy Conway’s Feb. 13, 2013 Point of view “It’s time to outlaw capital punishment.” I wish to make several points in addition to the practical, religious and ethical arguments she provides. I believe simply that killing is wrong. Criminal killing is wrong and the state-sanctioned killing is wrong. Heinous criminals must be punished, but convicted murderers can be locked away with minimal food, no visitors, etc, for the rest of their lives. If we kill them, we are no better than criminals. The “eye for an eye” language in the Bible comes from a time before there were prisons. The National Research Council of the National Academies has concluded that no research supports a deterrent effect of the death penalty on homicide. The death penalty serves only to feed the human emotion of revenge. By condoning revenge, we perpetuate violence in a world that is devolving into increasing senseless violence.

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