Friday, July 10, 2009

The PLAN for my new blog: "A teardrop in time"

This is my blog. One of 100s of million (maybe).

But it’s still all about me, so here goes: I have several purposes in mind for this blog.

But First, a word about the name “A teardrop in time.” This is an original phrase (now copyrighted) that I made up. It is how I think of myself in the big picture. Just a small teardrop in the huge vastness of time. Bittersweet life. It is also a metaphor for human existence. Eons hence, when all of us are gone, what will remain? We only have our moment in time.

ON to the blog.

First, my missions. I still hope (however vainly) to actually do some good in my life. Save the planet is one mission. Improve how American science is done is another.

Second, share my life, learn from my mistakes! Maybe others would learn from my mistakes. Mental health, fertility, discovering cheating in a University, Fear and loathing in Academic Science, getting furloughed after achieving tenure.

Third, explain my eclectic beliefs. For example, I am an atheist Jew. Not the first (Einstein was also, according to Dawkins (God-Delusion-Richard-Dawkins). Good satire on Dawkins ( As Bella G. (of blessed memory) used to say, “Jews have a good religion, IF you want it.” Another example of my eclectic beliefs: I am a reductionist, a firm believer in science. Yet, I believe that American (maybe worldwide) science is run as a colossal waste of material and human resources.

Fourth, Vent aggravations, propose solutions/inventions. For example how much time is needlessly wasted waiting at stoplights when there is no crosstraffic? Why can’t calendars be universally coordinated to avoid stupid scheduling mistakes?

Fourth, network and share interests. Comedy, crafts, funny Tshirts, photography, music, movies.

SOOOO, Here's the current blueprint (subject to change):

1. Missions:

Save the planet

Save American Science

2. Learn from my mistakes


Fear and loathing in Academic Science

Integrity (or lack of) in Academia

3. Eclectic beliefs



4. Vent aggravations

5. Interests

Science: What I did

Science: Cool things going on now

Funny Tshirts

Handmade Crafts

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